Sunday, May 15, 2011

Week Recap

This week has been a bit of a blurr, there is just so much going on. We went to our 13 week prenatal appointment and got to see our little bean squirming around in there. This kid was like a baby on crack, my little crack baby. It is either going to be a boxer, it looked like it was hitting a speed bag in there, or it is going to be a serious swimmer, it pushed off of one side of the amniotic sac and hit its little noggin on the other side. Needless to say it was really awesome!
I took the day off of Friday and cleaned my house, it was out of control! Friday afternoon I babysat my girlfriends daughter. My husbands unit held a fun day with softball games and bouncey houses so I took her over there to wear her out. It worked like a charm. I love it when that happens. That night we watched the movie "The Lincoln Lawyer" what a great movie! It doesn't hurt that Mathew M. is such great eye candy but really the movie was spectacular.
Yesterday I had a mild pregnancy breakdown, you know the "nothing in my closet fits, I can't find a shirt that doesn't look like I borrowed it from the kid down the street, my ass is too wide, what the hell is going on, I'm only 14 weeks!?!?!" After that episode we went shopping for the crib, the hardware store, the all natural food store, attempted to find some clothes that fit (horrible idea), went to watch a friends daughter play softball (her dad asked that I try to coach her because she won't listen to him), we planted pumpkins, squash and watermelons, and then we watched three movies. It was a lovely day!
Todays plan is to go to Church, go for a run and then check out a bbq over across post. Fun times people, fun times. Life is really good!
How was your weekend?

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Yesterday we played paintball for a friend of ours birthday. Today, I hurt. We had such a blast but certainly took our fair share of shots to the body. Luckily, my dear husband informed the entire group that his wife is pregnant so they were only to take head shots and butt shots. Are you serious?!?!? Do you know how many times I took a paintball to the neck? Oh my gah... I was, however, a master at the game and was the last one standing multiple times. The highlight was taking out the enemy's last guy with a clean head shot right in the middle of the field. EPIC!! The low point of the day was when I was covering one of my teammates when another of my teammates cut across my line of fire. Yes, I shot him right in the center of the back... I felt so bad about it that I stood up to apologize and... you guessed it, I took a solid shot to the thigh. It hurt so bad that I couldn't move. I was just stunned silly.
All in all it was a lovely day. Afterwards we went to a bbq with our closest friends from the day and had a great time catching up. It was really nice to just relax and hang out. I love those kinds of Saturdays.
Today we are off to church, changing tires on my car, and drinking sweet tea on the swing out back.
Happy Mother's Day to all the lovely ladies out there!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Alien in my body and neighbors at my door...

I am so greatful that we are blessed with this little being growing inside of me but the side effects of pregnancy are CRAZY!!! The list of odd things going on is ever expanding: Boobs, belly, nausea and much much more... Last week was a great week but then my stress level went through the roof with work and my dads health, the nausea came back with a vengeance! I've only been able to drink apfelsaft schorle's (fuzzy water with a splash of apple juice, popular here in Germany) but suddenly I can't manage to keep that down either. Grrr
On to my irk of the week: Neighbors that show up without calling first at all hours of the freaking day. Mostly at night. This past week we have had a neighbor knock on our door after 7 pm three days in a row. I'm sure that this might sound like an unreasonable thing to get irked at but the evening is our down time, the time that Travis, Buddy and I get into our comfy clothes, cook dinner, hit the couch and melt together. This is OUR time and though we are excited for the pending birth of our munchkin, we don't have very many of these days left for just the three of us. The first night was for a favor, "Jack, can you curl my daughter's hair on Friday for the father daughter dance? I don't know how." This was too easy; of course I'll do it. The next day I came home from work because I didn't feel well. So at 1pm the dog and I head upstairs to take a nap. Thirty minutes later Buddy is barking his head off and I'm awake and irked... I ignore it and go back to sleep. Later that night... Its 730pm and the doorbell rings, "Jack, I saw that you came home early from work so I tried to come by and check on you. You didn't answer so I just came in, but I couldn't find you." YES YOU READ THAT RIGHT! You didn't answer so I just came in. ARE YOU SHITTING ME??? I didn't even know what to say, I just stood there with my mouth agape... crickets, crickets. Last night was just the routine, post father daughter dance drop in to show photos. Not as bad but still, I've already removed my bra, all you're getting is me peeking around the door.
So that begs the question: Where do you stand on unannounced visitors?

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Who got lost???

So, the past year and some change flew by... Life happened and I forgot to write it down. I'll do better.
Just a quick recap of the things that I didn't write down:
April: The Dreamy husband and I ran and completed the Paris Marathon!
May-June: we visited random travel spots
July: Running of the Bulls Pamplona, Spain. Unfortunately Dreamy couldn't make it with me because of the death of a close friends child. His brother and sister in-law were visiting, so I took them.
Aug: I completed my first Triathlon, an Exterra! It was an ass kicker! I hope to complete it again next year.
Oct: I turned 29.
Dec: We took a cruise to Mexico to get out of the cold weather here in Germany.
Jan: I found out that my father has been diagnosed with stage four cancer, this is a journey that we are all taking with him and trying to provide as much support as possible. I love my father so much and am devastated by this news. I'm sure that there will be more to follow on this subject.
February: Dreamy turned 40! I threw him a huge birthday bash to celebrate.
March: We found out that we are expecting our first child, well my first and his second but our first collectively.
April: I went to Grafenwoehr for CEUs towards my group fitness intstructor certification through AFAA. (I'd love to hyperlink that but don't know how yet)
That brings us to today, May 5th, Cinco de Mayo! We will be celebrating with Toquitos and Dreamy will surely have sangria.
I think that is enough of an update for now and I hope to be able to lighten the mood of the blog and be better about updating regularly.