It has been five months to the day since my last post. I have a hundred excuses that I could use but
I’ll go with the easiest… I’m pregnant.
A lot has gone on since May.
We’ve found out that we are having a little boy! His name is Clark and
is due on 12 November but we are pretty sure that he is coming early. Who knows…
My Dad has continued to take chemo and is still doing better
than expected. Thank GOD!!!
I’ve quit my job and just finished up the last term of
school that I am going to be taking before the baby comes.
Travis got selected for promotion and will pin his new rank
in April or May. I have to insert here: I am absolutely the luckiest woman on
the face of the earth to have such a wonderful husband. He truly is the best
thing that has ever happened to me. He is strong, smart, caring, and my all… I’m
so proud to say I am his wife.
As far as the pregnancy goes, I have absolutely loved being
pregnant! Little kicks and jabs make up for any discomfort that has come my
way. I can honestly say that the only
bad side effect that I’ve dealt with is HEART BURN!! Yes, it needed to be all
caps… This heart burn stuff is no joke!
I have been on bed rest, off and on, for the past month because of too
many contractions. I have now reached 35
weeks and my OBGYN has given me the okay to get off of bed rest and start
moving to get labor underway. I will be
36 weeks on Saturday and I’m hoping to keep him in for at least one more week
after that. I just finished up my last
term of school for the time being and I just need a few days to take a mental
break before this little boy makes his debut.
Working out and healthy eating have taken a back seat for
the past few months. I could not work out for some time because of swelling in my lower extremities and then with contractions coming and being on bed rest I have really been slacking. I’ve continued to teach yoga for the entire
pregnancy, minus one week that I had to take off because of the bed rest. Through all of this, my weight has ballooned. I will admit that I am getting extremely close to hitting a deuce… I’ve put on 30lbs exactly since getting pregnant and I was a little overweight when that happened because of injuries and bad eating habits. So I am going to post a photo of my pregnant self and then once this little boy comes I am going to track my weight loss on this Blog.
I will take a photo of myself when I come home from the hospital and then once a month for the next year. I am not going to stress myself out by looking at the scale every day so I will have my husband look at the scale and tell me if I’ve gone up or down from the week prior. I will base my progress on how my clothes fit
and how my health and physical abilities are improving. I hope to run at least three to five half marathons next year and at least one full marathon.
I think that is enough of an update for today and I will post more by Monday. The baby shower is tomorrow so there should be lots of fun photos from that.
Have a great weekend!
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